Innovation can make a difference in addressing urgent developmental challenges. The transfer and the adaptation of technologies and social innovation can often contribute significantly to make progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This year’s substantial efforts were conducted by Gozour Foundation to find innovative solutions that address various social challenges that our beneficiaries are facing. Effective cooperation that involves both public, civil society and private bodies has proven to be an important mechanism for finding these much-needed solutions. Moreover, one of the important lessons learnt has been the pivotal role of innovation in economic development. The build-up of innovation capacities has played a central role in the development of Gozour programs and services.
Gozour now acknowledges that innovative approaches are needed as mainstream tools for delivering sustainable development. Today, the role of bottom-up innovation in designing and delivering services to poor and marginalized people in a gender sensitive manner, especially when based on local acceptance and advocacy campaigns, is seen as an important factor in achieving the SDGs. Additionally, Gozour is boosting its performance to maximize return on every pound invested. Furthermore, we are harnessing cutting-edge technologies and innovation and research to generate new ideas to test and scale up.
GFD established its own social enterprise Salil for handmade goods produced by marginalized women, which has provided them with vocational training and a decent source of income….Read More…
GFD recognizes the power of technology and mobile communication in considerably improving living conditions of communities and solving many of their challenges. As such, it has …. Read More…
GFD promotes the concept of gender equality as a part of the CSR concept. The foundation is working to provide a framework to support and challenge businesses to …. Read More…
GFD provided youth in public schools with well-rounded financial literacy knowledge on topics such as; budgeting, financial planning, and launching their own community …. Read More…
Many families in Egypt are struggling in their everyday lives to meet their basic needs. While Egypt has technically succeeded in eradicating extreme levels of poverty, …. Read More…
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“We believe that simply addressing the symptoms of an issue without addressing the root causes creates more challenges in the long run”.
Gozour Foundation for Development – 957 Corniche El-Nile St., Zahrat El-Nile Tower, Misr El-Qadima, Cairo, Egypt
Tel. +202 23631554 – Contact us