Corporate Social Responsibility Program

As one of the most important players in the Egyptian economy, the private sector’s role should not be limited to only contributing to the well-being of the economy. Nonetheless, its role should extend to the development of the community and society as a whole. Hence, GFD maintains strong partnerships with the private sector. By establishing these new partnerships, the foundation has expanded its scope of work in its development projects. The foundation supports the private sector by mobilizing them to:

Key Projects

Our Reach


Our Impact

Gozour Foundation has partnered with 3 companies, 4 governmental organizations, 1 UN Agency and 3 International NGOs to implement its developmental projects. GFD aims to mobilize efforts of public, private and civil society organizations to initiate partnerships for community development and action.

GDF has implemented several initiatives to promote the health and well-being of disadvantaged communities through the provision of medical services caravans and raising the awareness of the community upon important health and balanced-nutrition messages. Additionally, the foundation encourages businesses to provide healthy and enabling working environments for their employees.

GFD has engaged companies to incorporate and adopt economic empowerment activities within their CSR strategies. Additionally, GFD encouraged large corporations to share their knowledge through employee volunteering and youth capacity building projects and support micro-business owners to sustain their businesses.

Key Projects